Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why are we here?

Have you ever wondered why you were on this earth? Has anyone ever asked you that? Did you know how to respond?
If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, the answer is a relatively simple one. You are on this earth because you have been sanctified by the blood of the Holy Lamb, and your job is to tell others of the great joy and salvation you have found in Him! However, if Christ isn't your Savior, you also have a very specific purpose. God created you. Because we choose to disobey His laws, we are separated from Him for eternity; but God loves us. He hates to be separated from His creation, so He gave the ultimate sacrifice. He sent His one and only Son to die for us. The only way that our sin could be avenged is by blood- yours for eternity or Christ's. If you want to accept Him into your heart, Just tell Him! Say something like, "Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I am separated from you and will be for eternity unless I accept this free gift you have offered for me. I accept, Lord. I ask you to come into my life and change me." If you pray something like that, and honestly mean it, you will be changed from that moment on!

Sometimes, even once we have a relationship with Christ, we find ourselves drifting away from Him and unable to discern His voice. At this point you have to ask yourself a very important question. Is Christ truly your Savior? If you honestly can't say yes, then read the paragraph above! If you can say that you have a personal relationship with Him, ask yourself another question- is Christ your Lord? Is He the king in your life? No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. (Mathew 6:24a) Whatever is first in your life absorbs the most of your time. No matter what you think, something is first in your life. However, your life in Christ cannot thrive (or grow at all) if He is not first. If this is you, change your priorities around! Make Him the first thing by reading a few verses of your Bible in the morning. Even if you do your quiet time at night, read just a little and spend some time in prayer every morning just to get your day started off right. Once you really get into the Word, you will notice other small changes you can make to put God first.
It will change your life!
If you have any questions about anything in this post, feel free to email us. We would love to talk with you and hear your thoughts. ♥

Your Sister In Christ,
Becky :)

1 comment:

Buttercup said...

That's an awesome post, Becky!

btw, this is off subject, but.... how do you do the little heart? It's so cute!

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