Saturday, November 28, 2009

The prevailing plans are... not mine.

I'm a huge planner. I plan everything. I could probably give you an outline of how I want my life to work out- what kind of house I want live in, where I want to work, what I want the guy I marry to look like. Everyone has thought about their future to some extent.
You could have your whole life going for you, when something completely unexpected happens. You think, "God, why would you let this happen? I had it all planned out..." Except we totally forget one vitally important thing- it wasn't God's plan.

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart,
but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

Sometimes I forget the fact that I'm human, and my plans really aren't all that spectacular compared to God's. I think that my way, my plan, is better then the one God's made uniquely for me. This past year I have really grown up in the Lord. I realized that I was following the path I wanted to take. I was still reading my Bible, but I was twisting up God's plan for my life, and in the end, I got hurt. I really want to encourage you girls to examine your hearts. Make sure that you are listening to God, that you aren't going your own way. God's purpose prevails, the Lord's plan is always the right way in the end.

Your Sister in Christ,
Jessica ♫♥


Chloƫ said...

So true! I can definitely relate to wanting to plan my own life out!! Great reminder...

Katherine said...

Love it! My church sermon this Sunday was on this.

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