Thursday, November 18, 2010

Never Let Go


Joshua 23:14
You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.

God's Word is full of abundant promises to us as believers. His promises bring hope, refreshment, and joy to our lives.
As I was reading through the book of Joshua, I couldn't help but be touched by this verse. It says that none of the many promises the Lord gave the Israelite people failed. Not one. Every one was fulfilled. How awesome is that? Sometimes it is hard for me to fully comprehend God. As it should, considering I am a mere finite human, and God is an all-powerful infinite being. I know He is faithful, but actually reading a real historical account of God's mercy and faithfulness to His people just makes it all the more real to me. I find it simply amazing that we serve a God who is beyond all things and has never broken a promise.
I know that I, in my few years of life on this earth, have broken numerous promises to people. Sometimes even the smallest things... like promising to fold the laundry and then not doing it. Jesus never did that. When he told His mother He would clean their home, He cleaned it. When He promised to be back home before 10pm, He was back home. Look at what an impact that has on us as His children. We know that our God is trustworthy and faithful. We know that the Lord will never fail us. None of His promises will ever let go of us. That is something we never have to fear or worry about, because we know that God will always fulfill His promises!
Just as that verse shows that Christ always keeps is promises, it also reveals to us something that we, as His children, have to work on. We are to pattern our lives after Christ, which means keeping our promises, so that we become trustworthy and faithful. When someone sees a characteristic of Christ in you, they are drawn to you and open to what you have to say. That provides such a great opportunity to share your faith with them! The Lord never lets go, and neither should we.

In His Love,

P.S. We would love to hear from you!! Please check out Becky's post here, and leave us a comment or shoot us an email telling us what you would liked to see improved here on iheart!

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