Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Shower

This morning, as I was obediently taking a shower, I got to thinking- why? Why have I taken a shower pretty much every day for seven or so years? Sometimes it is such a burden, I mean fifteen wasted minutes of my day! But when I got out, I was reminded how clean and refreshed I felt. Most of us have been taking showers for years, every day. How often do you take a spiritual shower? How often do you allow yourself to be washed in God's Word? Is it something you do willingly? Or something you do once in awhile, having to be told, like a young child taking a bath? The funny thing is, if we skip a shower one day, most of the time we will take one the next day; because we want to feel clean and free from dirt and grime again! How different that is from our spiritual life! Why do we skip a day of our quiet time with God and then the next day think, "I didn't read my Bible yesterday, why would I today?" When we should be thinking, "Wow! I need to be refreshed! I can't wait to talk with God!"
Today, spend sometime washing yourself with God's word. It is so refreshing!

In Him,
Becky :]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O! I loved this article!! So very true.

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