Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What is you worth?

Sometimes, especially as girls, we feel worthless. Maybe you feel like everyone is prettier, smarter, and better at everything then you are. God knows how you feel, and in His eyes you are just as He wanted you to be. He made you and created you and you were made to fit a mold He made not that the world made. The world makes us feel like we have to fit a specific mold. We have to have name brand clothes, be skinny, gorgeous, have everything to be anything. But that's the exact opposite of what God has for us. Don't try to fill the void in your heart with worldly things. The world makes everything look like we have to have it. In commercials it will show some amazing vacuum and if you don't have it then your crazy because it's so amazing right? That awesome vacuum won't do anything for you in the long run. Maybe it helps you clean your carpets better... but does that really have anything to do with what God calls us to do in life?? When we go to worldly things for worth (alcohol, drugs, boys etc.) it will not give you worth it will just take some away. Only the Creator give determine the worth of the created. So don't look to the world for worth look to the Word!

God Bless,

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