Monday, September 28, 2009

Does it bother you?

My only question today for you is this, does sin bother you? I mean really and truly does it disgust you? Because it should.

Let those who love the LORD hate evil,
for he guards the lives of his faithful ones
and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Light is shed upon the righteous
and joy on the upright in heart.
~Psalm 97:10,11

Think about your life, how many times a day you sin, it's a lot isn't it? And trust me I'm not saying it's just you that sins I fall short ALL the time. As Christians we are to hate sin. I think sometimes people think that when you become a Christian, you never sin anymore and that you're just a perfect little person. Which of course is not true. When we are Christian we are not going to be sinless but we should strive to sin-LESS. When we lie, or are sarcastic to our parents, we should feel really bad about that. Because we just put more on Jesus shoulders when He was on the cross. And we are giving Satan something to be happy about! He's like "Yes! I just got Jessica to gossip about her friend, now I know her weakness." He knows where we struggle. But we cannot give into him. Yesterday, my pastor talked about the verse in Matthew where it says you cannot serve two masters. If you are not for God, you are for the devil. period. There are a lot of people who aren't Christians but they would never say that they are for Satan. But that's really what it comes down to. Do you know why it seems as though our world, or even just America, is divided into two groups? Because one group is following God, and the other is following Satan. Our president is not following God, that's just a fact. Do you really want someone who represents us, our country, what we stand for, being influenced by the devil? Because that is what is happening. We need to be praying that we will hate sin, that we abhor it. And we need to pray for our country, because our country is prideful, in Proverbs 16:18 it says pride comes before a fall. Our country is helping people who are Israel, God chosen people's, enemies. Do you really think God is going to stand for that? God says in His word that if we do not help His people He will turn Him back to us. I don't want that, and I pray that we will repent and turn back to God. But us, as believers need to be praying for that! I pray you girls are aware of what is going on around us. Be praying that God will help you with your sin. I'll try to post some verses about certain kinds of sin you may be struggling with soon!

In Christ,
Jessica :-)

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