Friday, April 9, 2010

Looking for something unique?

As I was browsing the shelves at the local Christian bookstore today, I was feeling kind of let-down. There was a seemingly endless amount of books for teenage girls about "finding your inner beauty". Now...don't get me wrong. I'm sure they are all great books, seemed so mediocre. So maybe you think of yourself as beautiful. So what? Is that really what God wants for you? Yes, I know, I know. God sees us as beautiful. I've heard it a million times. Does it say anywhere in His word that He wants us to see ourselves as beautiful? Do you think Christ wants a bunch of vain children? I doubt it. He wants intense devotion. To Him. I found one different book- Set Apart Femininity by Leslie Ludy. So far I've read one two chapters, and I would already recommend it. However, if you are happy where you are, this book is not for you. If you enjoy following the world and chasing after every male lifeform, this book is not for you. If you want something different-something very counterculture-this book is for you. If you want to follow Christ with your life, this book is for you. If you are looking for a book that is really going to make I difference, I would highly recommend it. God's calling is not the world's...SO many people have not realized it. It is often hard to know where to start changing your life. Hopefully this will give you an idea.

In Christ Alone,

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That is a good book! Well, I actually never finished it. I got it when I had a lot of other books that I had to read at the time and so it got pushed to the back burner. But I loved what I read and my sis read the whole thing and really liked it. So this is a good reminder that I need to read that book!

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