Thursday, February 17, 2011

What's Your Shape: Heart (Part Two)


Your heart, your passions, your dreams, your ambitions; the desires of your heart. Your heart plays a huge role in your life; it motivates and shapes who you are as a person. Each of us are unique and have certain things that interest us more than another. God wants to use you through your passions and interests. In fact, when God created you, He knew what you would love and enjoy doing most and considered those factors when making your shape. He was aware of all those passions and created you to enjoy doing those things while serving Him. When serving God, He wants us to serve Him with enthusiasm and passion; not begrudgingly, just because you have to.

1 Samuel 12:24 (New International Version)
But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.

When our heart isn't into serving God, we lose enthusiasm and get discouraged much easier. Think of the things your love to do; things you are passionate about, and look for ways to serve the Lord with those passions. Find out what kind of ministries there are at your church that involve doing something you love. Do you enjoy music and singing? Join the choir. Do you love to minister to children? See if you can help with a childrens' Sunday School class. There are so many ways that we can serve God with our heart. If you can't find a particular ministry that you love, maybe pray and ask God about starting a ministry of your own! Don't limit yourself just because it seems like there is no way for you to do something. Prayerfully consider how you can use your heart to serve the Lord!

In His Love,


What's Your Shape: Spiritual Gifts (Part One)

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