Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Without failures, the Christian life would be impossible.

Think about that.

If you never failed, Christ would have no reason to redeem you.
If you never failed, you would be stagnant and never grow.
If you never failed, you would be prideful.
If you never failed, you would judge others.
If you never failed, you would would have no compassion.
If you never failed, you would be like Satan, thinking yourself like God.
If you never failed, you would be legalistic and self-righteous.

Be thankful for your failures. They remind you of a big God and a small you. They point out areas that you need to grow in and open your eyes to see that you are not better than anyone else. They make salvation possible.

Be willing to fail, but don't stay there. Grow.

1 comment:

Jules(: said...

I realllly needed this today. I got my first citation today and I felt like a failure. But I know God still loves me. <3

God bless!

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