Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Guysss... it's March!


Hey girls!
It's March 1st, and I can't tell you how excited I am for spring! :) I am looking forward to all things green and warm! As we think about summer (that quickly comes after spring right?), there is always the dreaded swimsuit question. Where in the world can you find one? In a world full of skimpy bikinis that show all your goodies, it's always tough to find swimsuits that cover you up, and still look cute! I'm personally not a big fan of swimsuits in general, but my family goes up to my grandparent's lake house all the time during the summer, and I have to have one!

Some of my favorite places to look for swimsuits are Lime Ricki Swimwear and Rey Swimwear. Both stores offer cute, modest swimsuits that are decently priced. Right now Lime Ricki has most of its swimwear on sale, but they are getting ready to open up a brand new line of swimwear for 2011! Sometimes you can even find some cute swimsuits at places like JCPenny and Kohl's.

I hope this makes your swimsuit shopping a little easier! Don't give up hope when looking for swimsuits. It may be a little harder to find something modest, but it is definitely worth it. :)

Happy Spring!

In His Love,


Adriana Castillo said...

Just an idea; You can sometimes layer swimsuits too. Example; a plane one-piece that covers the back but the front is too low. + A super cute swimsuit that has a low back line but high in the front = A modest swimsuit.

Of course, that isn't always the most comfortable way to go, but it is modest.

Adriana Castillo said...

Oh, another thing: I have found that you can often times find a modest tankini (It's a two peice swimsuit that is like a shirt with either a skort or shorts and is made of swimwear material).
Good luck finding swimsuits! It may be a struggle to find one, but it is soooo exciting when you do get one that is modest and stylish! :)

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